Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 1

Right. I've never had a blog before. I've used LiveJournal in the past, but I really just used it as an on-line diary and as a way to keep up with what was going on in the lives of my friends. However, I've been doing a lot of DIY "beauty" treatments and have *lots and lots* of domestic tips and tricks to share. And I'd like to share them in one place. So, here I am.

A warning, if you will. I  use commas as a short pause in my speech, and ellipses for long pauses.Why should you care? I suppose you don't have to care, I just wanted to let you get used to hearing my voice in your head. I tend to type like I speak, which means sometimes you'll find grammatical errors.... Sometimes. Luckily enough for all of us, I know how to use spell-check! XD

Where was I? Oh yes, the reason for this blog. I would like to start doing one creative project a day. Nothing too big, just something to motivate me and help me explore my creativity. For example, I made my own body-wash yesterday. I used this recipe as a guide line to come up with my own recipes. However, I didn't take pictures all throughout, so we'll save that project for another day.

Today, I have all ready engaged in a creative endeavor by making and using a hair treatment with avocado, egg and olive oil (and it's not even noon yet, how awesome is that?!). And this time, I took pictures!

Isabella's avocado hair treatment

Ingredients: 1 ripe avocado, 2 eggs, 3 or 4 tablespoons olive oil (sorry, I just eyeballed it.... I'll try to measure next time)

Look ma! Here's a pic of the ingredients! What do you mean I should have shown the ingredients *before* I used them? I'm still new to all of this so I appreciate all the patience I can get....
Btw, perhaps now is a good time to warn you, I may *suck* at creative writing, but I suck even more at photography with my semi-smart phone.>.<

So, the avocado was peeled and had the pit removed. Then I tossed in two eggs and a few tablespoons of olive oil (you can always substitute mayo for the eggs and olive oil). I then turned on my food processor and begun the process of making the hair treatment smooth. It took just a few minutes for it to look like this:
Again, crappy picture. But I assure you that it was disgustingly creamy. Why disgustingly? Because the next step has you coating your hair with this concoction. As I was putting this on my ridiculously thick hair, I couldn't help but remember two of my favorite shows as a kid.... Nickelodeon's "You Can't Do That On Television" and "Ghostbusters" (or more accurately the cartoon... The slime in the movie was much less opaque). Srsly, take a look for yourself:
Doing this on my own, was not fun. I'd suggest an assistant if you have long and thick hair like mine. Luckily enough I only dropped a tiny glop on the sink and two on the shoulder of my sleep shirt. You should see the shower stall after I get done treating my hair with color! O.O Anyway, after I slopped the goop on, I covered my hair with a shower cap:
And to add a bit of heat for extra conditioning, I grabbed a hair towel that we had laying around (actually, my girlfriend and I have a bunch of them... Which is odd since neither of us use them). My hair is usually too long and too thick for the hair towels, but since it was just going to cover the shower cap, it fit my needs perfectly! I just ran the kitchen faucet as hot as possible, got the hair towel wet, squeezed as much water out of it as possible and then put the hot, damp towel on muh head, like so:
I set the kitchen timer for 25 minutes and sat down to create this blog! When the towel started getting a bit too cool, I just stuck it in the microwave for close to a minute. WARNING: putting a wet towel in the microwave can cause the towel to heat up more than you might expect. Be careful of your ears when putting a hot towel on your head!!!!

When the timer went off, I got in the shower and first rinsed my hair with tepid water to remove the avocado mixture. Once the water ran clear, I shampoo'd my hair with Aveda's Brilliant shampoo and followed the shampoo up with a vinegar hair treatment (we'll get to that recipe another day). After a final cool water rinse (to close the hair follicles), I towel dried my hair for a few minutes and applied a bit of hair oil. My hair is a bit frizzy, but it is zomuhgosh soft.

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